Your councillors
Selsey Town Council is the first and closest tier of local government to the town's residents. Its fourteen Members are elected by the public and serve a four year term.
The Councillors are unpaid and freely give their time and expertise to ensure that the local area is represented and its views made known to principal authorities.
Your Town Councillors
Cllr Ali Archer
- Address: A Property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Planning, Complaints, Financial Scrutiniser
- Working Groups: Finance and Administration
- Reprsentation on External Bodies: Selsey Community Forum, Ferry Farm Solar Community Benefit Society
Cllr Steve Boulcott
- Address: A Property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Complaints
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies:
Cllr Andrew Brown
- Chair of Selsey Town Council
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 07907 492532
- Committees: Planning, Assets and Amenities, Personnel, Chair of Complaints
- Working Groups: Chair of Finance and Administration, Festive Lighting
- Representation on External Bodies: Chichester District Associaton of Local Councils, Emergency Planning, Sports Dream Liaison
Cllr Darren Buckfield
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees:
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies:
Cllr Gareth Gofton-Dann
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Planning, Assets and Amenities, Complaints
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies: The Greenway Group, Arts Dream Liaison
Cllr Philip Grocott
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 01243 211102
- Committees: Planning
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies: Youth Dream Liaison, Youth Information
Cllr Donna Johnson
- Vice Chair of Selsey Town Council
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 01243 606629
- Committees: Vice Chair of Personnel, Assets and Amenities, Vice Chair of Complaints
- Working Groups: Vice-Chair of Finance and Administration, Festive Lighting
- Representation on External Bodies: Chichester District Association of Local Councils, Community Nursery
Cllr Tim Johnson
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 01243 606629
- Committees: Chair of Personnel, Complaints
- Working Groups: Finance and Administration
- Representation on External Bodies:
Cllr Ian Martin
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Chair of Planning, Chair of Assets and Amenites, Personnel
- Working Groups: Finance and Administration, Festive Lighting
- Representation on External Bodies: Manhood Peninsular Partnership, the Greenway Group
Cllr Curtis Miller
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Assets and Amenities
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies: Youth Dream Liaison, Youth Information, Selsey Business Network
Cllr Mindy Rich
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 07546 942051
- Committees:
- Working Groups:
- Representation on External Bodies:
Cllr Mike Sully
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Committees: Financial Scrutiniser
- Working Groups: Finance and Administration
- Representation on External Bodies: Manhood Peninsular Partnership
Cllr Mick Weller
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 07831 539083
- Committees: Vice Chair of Planning, Vice Chair of Assets and Amenities
- Working Groups: Chair of Festive Lighting
- Representation on External Bodies:
Cllr Val Weller
- Address: A property in Selsey
- Email:
- Telephone Number: 07789 556515
- Committees: Planning, Assets and Amenties
- Working Groups: Festive Lighting
- Representation on External Bodies:
Selsey Town Council Members Register of Interests
All Councillors, including those co-opted must declare those interests as determined by Parliament. For Parish Councils, it is the responsibility of the District Council to maintain the Register of Councillors Interests. If you would like to see the Register of Councillors Interest please email