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Council Plan 2023 - 2027

Strategic Business Plan

Selsey Town Council's Council Plan 2023 - 2027 sets out the Town Council's services and projects planned for the next four years and its reasoning. It provides an overview of how the Town Council plans to improve Selsey, the largest Parish in Chichester District after the City.

Selsey Town Council has listened carefully to the priorities, ideas, concerns, and aspirations which the community has shared. This feedback has been used to inform this document.

This Council Plan is a live document which the Town Council will evaluate and publish progress reports on this page annually. 

Selsey Town Council Plan 2023-2027 (PDF) [2MB]

The following document is the downloadable accessible version of the Selsey Town Council Council Plan 2023 - 2029  Selsey Town Council Plan 2023-2029 Accessible Format (PDF) [280KB]

The deadline for completed submissions to the questionnaire on the last two pages of the document has now closed.  

The Corporate Strategy sets out Selsey Town Council's core principles, beliefs, and philosophies which inform everything it will do during its four years Council term 2023 - 2027. 

It includes the Town Council's Vision for Selsey, its Mission and Values Statements alongside its aims and objectives.

Corporate Strategy 2023-2027 (PDF) [415KB]

The Town Council's commitment to its corporate approach is reflected throughout Selsey's Council Plan.

Selsey Town Council conducted a public consultation to gather feedback on its proposed Council Strategy and Plan for 2023-2027. Questionnaires within the Town Council Plan2023 - 2027 were distributed by hand to all 5,600 households in Selsey and 129 responses were received.

Of those residents' responses the top priorities identified were:

  • Maintaining the Town Council's 17.5 acres of open spaces (rated most important by 49% of respondents)
  • The Town Council's provision of community venues (rated most important by 40% of respondents)
  • Continued funding for the fortnightly mobile tip (31% of respondents)

Other key findings were that 51% of respondents use the Town Council website to stay updated on Town Council business, and 31% would welcome a newsletter.

Based on the consultation feedback, the Town Council adopted their Council Plan 2023-2027 unchanged.

The Council will continue budgeting for maintenance of open spaces and the mobile tip. An annual review of the plan's progress will be scheduled.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Town Council's Council Plan?

The Council Plan 2023 - 2027 is an overview of the Town Council's key priorities for projects to benefit Selsey during the next four years. These projects have been influenced from feedback from residents in Selsey and work alongside the Town Council's Corporate Strategy.

Why does the Town Council have a Council Plan?

The Town Council has a Council Plan for three reasons:

  1.  To have a quantifiable plan in place to work towards achieving and monitor progress.
  2. To inform residents and businesses in Selsey of its four year plan.  What the Town Council's aspirations and rationale are for deciding on these projects.
  3. The Town Council cannot deliver all of the projects on its own. In order for them to be delivered the Town Council, will need to work in partnership with Local Authorities (West Sussex County Council and Chichester District Council), government agencies, registered charities and local businesses. This plan informs the Town Council's partners of its proposed projects and the requirement for funding to make the projects a reality.  

Will all of the projects set out in the Council Plan happen immediately?

Selsey Town Council progress projects as funding opportunities and/or grants become available. The timeframes for each project are stated in the project boxes under the heading 'By When'.

What does the word to lobby mean in the Council Plan?

To lobby is the process of communicating directly with those decision makers, or, those who can communicate to the decision maker and try to influence their decisions through strong evidence and rationale as to why the project/service/support is needed, why it is a priority and why funding should be allocated to deliver it.

If Selsey Town Council has no direct control over the decision making process,  nor the funding  due to this being under another Council's or Government's control, it will lobby those decision makers. 

How are Selsey Town Council's projects funded?

Selsey Town Council's projects are funded from several sources which includes, grant funding, the Community Infrastructure Levy and Section S106 funds both of which comes from housing development in Selsey and Council Tax. 

The provision of the Community Warden and the CCTV in the town is a partnership arrangement between Selsey Town Council and Chichester District Council.  They are part funded from a percentage of Selsey Town Council's Council Tax and Chichester District Council funding.

The fortnightly mobile tip is a partnership arrangement with West Sussex County Council.  Selsey Town Council pays a large percentage towards this from its Council Tax and the rest is topped up by West Sussex County Council.  West Sussex County Council determine the cost of running this service and the amount of funding annually from Selsey Town Council.

How does Selsey Town Council make the decision to fund these services?

Selsey Town Council takes its steer from you the residents of Selsey through Public Consultations, speaking with you at the Annual Town Meeting and feedback to Town Councillors.  

Listening and acting on the collective view of its residents is a priority to the Town Council. Selsey Town Council has included a questionnaire at the back of the Council Plan 2023 -2027 to hear your views, to help the Town Council decide on how Selsey's Council Tax should be best spent.

Why is the Council Plan delivered to Selsey households?

This ensures that all residents in the Parish of Selsey are informed of the Town Council's plan.  This is an opportunity for you to share your views during the public consultation period which runs from 3rd November 2023 until 5 January 2024.  The consultation questionnaire is on pages 26 and 27 of the Council Plan.  

Responses to the questionnaire are to be posted into labelled boxes at the Town Hall Offices or Selsey Centre.

Alternatively, complete the questionnaire via Google Forms, email: receive your copy.

Why does the Town Council want to hear your views?

Listening to residents and acting on its residents' collective view is a priority of Selsey Town Council. 

In completing and returning the questionnaire, the Town Council will look at whether the facilities and services it offers meet your current and future needs.

Are the answers to the questionnaire anonymous?

Yes.  All submissions either in paper copy or on Google Forms are done so anonymously.

No contact details from any requests for the online questionnaire will be stored.

For Selsey Town Council's privacy policy please click here 

Can I get a large print/braille/audio version of the Council Plan and Corporate Strategy?

Yes. If you need copies in a different format, contact the Town Council Offices on 01245 605803 or email

Why does the Town Council have a Corporate Strategy?

The Strategy is a document setting out the Town Council's agreed goals to work towards its Vision for Selsey. It is the framework through which the Council Plan will be delivered.

The framework is derived from four areas of administration within the Town Council. Which are:

Governance - ensuring that the Council is lawful, has sound financial management and is open, transparent, and accountable to its residents.

Area & Environment - enabling Selsey to be an attractive town with a range of publicly accessible open spaces, play areas and facilities for community and visitor use and enjoyment, whilst maintaining the preservation of its unique biodiversity.

Economy & Tourism - encouraging long term economic sustainability and to promote Selsey as a destination for both businesses and visitors.

Community Wellbeing - engaging, empowering, and supporting our community.

What is the Town Council's Vision?

The Town Council's Vision is for:

Selsey to be a thriving, vibrant, attractive, and socially inclusive place to live, work and visit.

Selsey Town Council will work with the Community, Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council for Selsey to be a successful seaside town.

The Town Council will work towards:

Providing a sustainable environment for quality of life and wellbeing. 

Encouraging investment and tourism, whilst showcasing the best of its heritage and natural character for both residents and visitors.

How can I get updates on the activities of the Town Council?

The Town Council evaluates its activities on an annual basis, and publishes progress reports on the Council Plan page each Autumn. 

In the meantime, you are very welcome to attend the Town Council's public meetings.  The dates of these meetings (referred to as the Schedule of Meetings) are here. Meetings take place on Wednesday evenings in the Town Hall Complex.

All agendas are published three clear working days before the meetings and can be found here.

The minutes from previous public meetings can be found here.

Who to contact if I have any questions about the Corporate Strategy or Council Plan?

If you have any questions relating to either documents please contact the Town Clerk either in writing to:

Selsey Town Council

The Town Hall Offices

55 High Street


PO20 0BE



What are West Sussex County Council's services?

To find out more about its services visit

What are Chichester District Council's services?

To find out more about its services visit


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