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Committees & Meeting Dates

Committees and Meeting Dates

All Town Council meetings and Committee meetings are open to the public.

Agendas for the meetings are displayed on the Selsey Town Council notice boards around our town and on our website.

Please contact the The Town Clerk if you wish to speak at these meetings either on 01243 605803 or

Town Council Notice Boards can be found at:

  • East Beach Shops
  • East Beach Fishing Huts
  • Hillfield Recreation ground
  • Town Hall
  • Warners Car Park (on toilet block)
  • Selsey Centre

Minutes are taken at all Council meetings and those of its Committees. These minutes are available at the Town Hall in their draft form soon after the meeting. The minutes cannot be in their final version until after the following meeting during which they will be confirmed and signed.

Please note that there may be amendments to meeting dates - view/download the updated Schedule of Meetings below:

Meetings Schedule 2025-26 (PDF, 83 KB)

Full Council

The Full Council meets once every quarter. The Annual Council Meeting is held in May and the Chair and Vice Chair are elected from amongst the Members. Membership of the Committees is also decided and appointments are made about the representation on external committees and organisations. For more details of agendas and minutes visit the  Full council page.


Planning Committee

The Town Council is a statutory planning consultee and its Planning Committee meets every 3 weeks to look at Selsey related planning applications submitted to Chichester District Council (CDC), the local planning authority. The Planning Committee deliberates on each application and will inform CDC whether they OBJECT or SUPPORT an application. This must be on planning grounds. Members of the public are welcome to attend and can speak on a particular application at the discretion of the Chair. For more details of agendas and minutes visit the Planning committee page.

Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee will only meet when the Formal Complaints procedure has been actioned. 

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by one or more members of the public about the Council's action or lack of action or about the standard of a service, whether the action was taken or the service provided by the Council itself or a person or body acting on behalf of the Council. 

From time to time members of the public may have complaints about the administration or procedures of the Town Council. Local Councils as corporate bodies are not subject to the jurisdiction of the Local Government Ombudsman, and there are no provisions for another body to which complaints can be referred. Therefore, it is recommended for transparency in local government, and for the benefit of good local administration, that Parish/Town Councils should adopt a standard formal procedure for considering complaints.

The Council will do its utmost to settle complaints and satisfy complainants in the interest of the good reputation of the Council.  All formal complaints will be heard in public unless the Complaints Committee expressly resolves to exclude the press and public using Standing Order number 1c due to the confidential nature of the complaint. 

To resolve the formal complaint, the Complaints Committee will hold a formal hearing to review the complaint and make a recommendation on behalf of the Council.  The complainant will be invited to attend the formal hearing if they so wish.  Any recommendation on a complaint will be ratified and announced at the next meeting of the Council in public.  Within seven days of the Council accepting the recommendation of the Complaints Committee, the Clerk will put the decision in writing to the complainant to include details of any action to be taken.


Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting is the annual meeting of electors of the parish and takes place each year during April at the Town Hall, details of minutes and agendas can be found on the Annual town meeting

We welcome all members of the electorate at this meeting, the agenda is published one week prior to the meeting and members of the community can email the Town Clerk if they wish to ask a question or discuss a particular subject at the meeting.  Please contact Selsey Town Council.

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