Frequently asked questions
Here you'll find answers to the questions we get asked the most.

- Do we have a mobile recycling site in Selsey?
- Who do I speak to about pavement and road surface issues?
- Who do I speak to about grass cutting issues?
- How can I find out when my bins get collected?
- How can I get a green bin?
- The street light outside my house isn't working. Who can I contact?
- How can I find out about roadworks and road closures?
- Who should I contact to report fly tipping?
- Can I put dog waste in a normal black bin?
- The traffic lights in the town are not working. Who will repair them?
- Where are emergency defibrillators located within Selsey?
- I keep getting cold callers knocking on my door?
- Q: I have an issue with pests/wasps, who can help?
- I have a swarm of bees in my garden, what should I do?
Q: Do we have a mobile recycling site in Selsey?
A: Yes. Once a fortnight the Mobile Waste Recycling Site visits East Beach Car Park. The dates for this service and further information about what ID is required and what can be recycled can be found West Sussex County Council website
Q: Who do I speak to about pavement and road surface issues?
A: Faults on the highways including uneven paving slabs, pot holes, obstructions on footpaths etc. should be reported to the West Sussex County Council Highways Authority on 01243 777100. The quickest and easiest way to report these and other faults is West Sussex County Council Highways' website
Q: Who do I speak to about grass cutting issues?
A: Selsey Town Council maintains East Beach park, Manor Green Park, Oval Field and the Recreation Ground.
Verges are maintained by West Sussex County Council and their cutting schedule can be viewed on West Sussex County Council website. This link is can also be used to report a grass safety issue.
Q: How can I find out when my bins get collected?
A: Household waste bins are collected by Chichester District Council, you can find details of waste collection dates on their website (opens new window). However we can also help you and print these details out for you, simply pop into our offices for more details.
Q: How can I get a green bin?
A: Green bins are organised through Chichester District Council on 01243 785166 or via Chichester District Council's website.
Q: The street light outside my house isn't working. Who can I contact?
A: Street lighting faults can be reported via the West Sussex Enerveo website.
Q: How can I find out about roadworks and road closures?
A: Details of all roadworks and road closures can be found by visiting Roadworks and projects (opens new window)
Q: Who should I contact to report fly tipping?
A: fly tipping issues are managed by Chichester District Council (opens new window).
Q: Can I put dog waste in a normal black bin?
A: Yes you can. Dog waste can either go in the red dog waste bins or in a normal black rubbish bin, we would politely ask all members of our community to pick up after their dogs. For more advice and information visit Dog advice and information (opens new window).
Q:The traffic lights in the town are not working. Who will repair them?
A: Report faulty traffic lights to West Sussex County Council's contractor Telent. The exception is where the traffic lights are on the following trunk roads - A27, A23 and M23. These should be reported to National Highways.
Telent will respond to 'Critical' faults (those that could pose a road safety risk) within 2 hours, and to other faults within 24 hours.
National Highways
Q: Where are emergency defibrillators located within Selsey?
A: Details of defibirllator locations can be found by visiting Destination Selsey website.
If a 999 call is made, the South East Coast Ambulance call-taker will assess the situation and, if needed, the rescuer will be given the location of the nearest PAD and the code to unlock the box.
Keep the line to the call-taker open so that further advice or help can be given.
Make sure you have the code clearly in your mind before heading off for the nearest PAD. Without it you will not be able to open the box.
The box contains a Smart Defibrillator which will tell you what to do and when to do it.
With the telephone line kept open, the call-taker will also be there to help.
Q: I keep getting cold callers knocking on my door?
A: If you feel threatened or bothered call 999 (if an emergency) or Sussex 101 and report to the police.
Print out the poster and put up in a visible place on your property.
If you have recently been a victim of a doorstep caller, contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service on Freephone 0808 223 1133 or report it to West Sussex Trading Standards on 01243 642124 or by email via
Q: I have an issue with pests/wasps, who can help?
A: Chichester District Council offers residents a comprehensive pest control service for domestic premises. Additional support is available for customers in receipt of certain qualifying benefits. Call them on 01243 785166 or visit the Chichester District Council website.
Q: I have a swarm of bees in my garden, what should I do?
A: The British Beekeepers Association can provide help and guidance including details of your nearest 'swarm' Collector! Visit The British BeeKeepers Association (opens new window) for more information.