Selsey's Neighbourhood Plan Adopted
Selsey Town Council are pleased to announce that on 22 June 2021 Chichester District Council held their Special Council Meeting where the Full Council voted unanimously that "That the Council makes the Selsey Neighbourhood Development Plan part of the Development Plan for Chichester District (excluding the area within the South Downs National Park)."
We would like to thank all of our Councillors, past and present who worked so hard developing the plan. A special mention of thanks goes out to the Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Working Group, Cllr Clive Alden for steering the project. We are grateful and proud of our community who helped shape the plan and turned out, even in these Covid times, to vote in support for it.
Selsey Town Council Chairman, Cllr Andrew Brown stated "Selsey's Neighbourhood Plan is a live document and is constantly under review, so that together Selsey Town Council with the community, can have an input into the development and design of Selsey today and in what happens tomorrow."
For further information visit Neighbourhood Plan